Rhinoplasty Forest Lodge (02) 8806 3705

Rhinoplasty is a nose reshaping surgery which can be a cosmetic method (to improve the appearance of the nose), a medically necessary procedure (to correct nasal breathing troubles) or a mixture of the two. It's a technically sophisticated process and requires an excellent sense of aesthetics combined with a serious understanding of anatomy to form a beautiful, natural-looking nose that functions properly.

We have a team of professional rhinoplasty specialists who are completely trained and licensed surgeons. They incorporate the established rhinoplasty techniques using the modern healthcare devices in nasal surgery to deliver the finest rhinoplasty outcomes to our clients. Our surgical goal is to develop a nose that looks real, functions regularly and in concordance with other attributes of the patient’s facial area.

Rhinoplasty Sydney

Nose Job Forest Lodge (02) 8806 3705

Rhinoplasty Surgeon           

To pick the best surgeon to get a rhinoplasty it is really important to take into account informative and complete consultation. By doing such examination, our specialist can easily examine if the patient is a good surgical applicant and also the degree to which they can finally deal with the candidate’s specific situation.

Set a consultation with the finest in rhinoplasty surgery in Forest Lodge today!

Rhinoplasty Cost (02) 8806 3705

Medicare plus your private health insurance provider will just pay you for a part of the rhinoplasty procedure that is executed to enhance breathing (functional surgery). It's not likely that they will pay any percentage done to enhance your look (cosmetic surgery).

You may determine what your insurance plan and Medicare could pay. In situations that you want a functional surgery, we can certainly assist you get accredited for your coverage of the procedure from your insurance company. Furthermore, depending on your private health insurance program, your hospital bills may be paid for as well.

Rhinoplasty Surgeons  

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Forest Lodge - Having a Nose Job!

rhinoplasty surgery         

A rhinoplasty, or typically known as a nose job, is a medical treatment performed primarily to enhance the physical appearance of the nose. The mission of the surgery is to help make your nose bigger or smaller, correct its position or any kind of lumps, or adjust the tip of the nose. A rhinoplasty can also rectify any birth deformity or nasal passageway troubles which trigger blockage and breathing issues. Finally, this kind of procedure is completed for patients with deformities due to traumatic injuries.

Many rhinoplasty surgery candidates are individuals who are not pleased with their nose’s size or shape. Whatever your choice is when it comes to going through a nose job, it's still a subjective option to be made together with the guide of a plastic surgeon’s professional advice.

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon

In choosing a surgeon for a rhinoplasty, the ideal technique is to look for a previous individual who went through the procedure and determine if he or she would recommend the procedure and the surgeon. There is a considerable difference in the rate of the surgery, and also a cheaper value could imply a lesser competent doctor (see below). It is well recommended to check the history of your doctor in these aspects as is the potential surgeon:  
  • accredited by the appropriate surgical bodies,
  • reputed locally,
  • a printed writer of professional review posts,
  • not the subject of malpractice lawsuit; and
  • somebody whom you can like and believe in.
It is a good choice to see the surgeon’s clinic to gauge the overall cleanliness and professionalism of the place. Also become familiar with the doctor’s staff.
choosing the right rhinoplasty surgeon 

Forest Lodge Rhinoplasty Surgeons (02) 8806 3705


You can find plenty of surgeons within the Forest Lodge area who provide rhinoplasty surgery. Rather than relying on newspaper advertisements or Yellow Pages, it is generally best to search out and acquire a recommendation from the area’s local panel or affiliation of cosmetic surgeons. In this instance, get a recommendation from the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons.

You want to choose a surgeon who's already been in practice for an extended period of time (at least 10 years).

Evaluate the sites of cosmetic surgeons in the region. Many possess beneficial details on their sites.

You can even chat with an expert in case you have concerns. Some sites provide pre and post photographs.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

Regarding what you can expect in the operation, your rhinoplasty procedure will start by having an in-depth and personal examination with the cosmetic surgeon. You are going to consult with the surgeon the realistic and possible goals for your nose job. This is also a chance for you to become familiar with your surgeon, his prior works and success stories. Check out “pre and post photographs” he'll voluntarily present you.

Throughout the discussion talk about in depth the surgeon’s views concerning the condition of your current nose and also the approaches that will be carried out to obtain your preferred outcome. Don’t be afraid to have a second opinion if you think that is necessary. Bear in mind it is your nose we are treating, and only you know when you feel secure with the methods stated. In case you are presented a list to approve with all of the risks disclosed read it properly before signing. Make sure you and the surgeon are on the “same page” as to what you wish.

While going through your rhinoplasty surgery, you will be placed under a kind of general anaesthesia known as twilight anaesthesia. While within its influence, you won't feel any soreness, however you're fully conscious the entire 2 to 4 hours of operation. You should expect swelling on your nose following the procedure. This swelling may make you feel very little discomfort, sensation tightness as well as excessive bleeding.


Probable Risks


As to possible problems, rhinoplasty is possibly the most demanding of all cosmetic surgical operations. Every scenario has its difficulties. Reduction-rhinoplasty could cause post-operative challenges. There might be problems breathing, scarring and loss of sensation like the feeling of a blocked nose, skin atrophy, and accumulation of fibres, skin relaxation, nodules and numb feeling caused by ointment material. Infections often cause life-threatening (toxic-shock-syndrome).

You should follow your physician’s guidelines about post-operative activity. After operation problems are common and cause re-do treatments in 5-15% of cases.

Cost of Rhinoplasty Procedures and Insurance Cover

The expenses of cosmetic surgeries of the nose differ broadly. The price may indicate the quality of the surgeon, but usually it is the type of procedure that states price. In reviewing plastic surgeons in Forest Lodge we find the price could vary from $6,500 to $14,000 - typically at the entry level for a day-stay rhinoplasty and the high end for an overnight-stay treatment, although this may differ.

Usually, government or private insurance plan, does not cover cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasty. However, you can find selected plans that could pay reconstructions of several cosmetic imperfections due to accidents. Reconstruction of specific congenital disabilities may be covered too. Insurance could also be claimed in cases of accidents that don't belong to a cosmetic process for instance a deviated septum.

On the other hand, insurance companies don't give coverage for areas of the surgery that deals with fixing the aesthetic aspects of the nose. To find out which areas could be covered, make sure to talk about the procedure with your insurance company and surgeon.